Rotterdam is hot since it was declared the coolest city in the Netherlands by The Wall Street Journal at the end of last year. It’s also buzzing with activity in the field of design. Thanks to the many industrial buildings and the abundance of space, many designers choose to work here. MCDW, Mischa van der Wekke and Diana van der Velde have known Rotterdam’s secret for a long time. They nicknamed a series of interior objects with the name ‘Rotterdam School’ a new trend playing on earlier ‘Amsterdamse School’ and ‘Haagse School’. A whiff of Art Deco with some Rotterdam bravura. Signed, Rotterdam.

Schermafbeelding 2019 03 08 om 15.29.02
Schermafbeelding 2019 03 08 om 15.28.08
Schermafbeelding 2019 03 08 om 15.28.19