Bijlmerpark Play-Esplanade


Spring is here: time to go outside and enjoy yourself. If you are in Amsterdam there's a nice place to play around: at the Bijlmerpark 'play-esplanade'. This is a large and colorful playarea, a multi-fun area for children. Carve, in collaboration with Marie-Laure Hoedemakers, is responsible for the design and planning. Bijlmerpark offers a lot: a ballgame-area, a playing strip, the Yellow 'King Crawler', a skateboard pool, a water- and sandplay area, ropebridges and maybe more. We suggest you go and find out!

bijlmer skate carve
bijlmerpark sand
bijlmerpark skate


Carve is a Dutch design and engineering studio focusing on the planning and development of public space, in particular for use by children and young people. Carve is a multidisciplinary officein which industrial design, civil engineering, architecture and landscape architecture meet in a natural way. The company was established in 1997 by Elger Blitz and Mark van der Eng, and has years of experience in designing public spaces aiming at youth. Amongst their clients are local governments, architects, landscape architects and manufacturers of playground equipment. (imagecredits: carve)


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