In WOTH Wonderful Things Magazine no. 4 zijn 2 editorials te vinden die zijn gemaakt door het team van Studio Aandacht; het huis van Gijs Stork in Amsterdam. En een kijkje in het atelier van designstudio Os&Oos in Eindhoven.
Voor deze serie in WOTH no.4 heeft Tatjana Quax de 'Action styling' zoals zij dat zelf noemt, verzorgd. De Fotografie is van de hand van Inga Powilleit. Studio Aandacht is een bedrijf dat zich richt op het maken van o.a. visual identities, fotoseries en tentoonstellingen in de vorm van art direction, styling, fotografie en grafisch ontwerp. 

(pagina foto's via studio aandacht)
Studio Aandacht
"Studio Aandacht is founded in 2002 by Tatjana Quax (1968) and Ben Lambers (1969). Essentialy we are look-and-feel-makers with a pragmatic approach towards marketing and communication. In short: we just want to make you look good in every possible way. We pride ourselves on having long term relationships with most of our clients. For some the emphasis is more on graphic design and visual identity, for others we create images for editorial, advertising or PR use. Sometimes we do everything, communication idea, styling, art direction, graphic design, photography or exhibition design. We combine the cultural with the commercial and vice-versa. We talk in visuals, so don’t expect lenghty strategic plans from us. Strategy comes naturally to us but most cliënts know perfectly well what they want, they simply don’t have the skills to visualize their vision. We can. A lot has changed in communication in the 15 years that we are active as a studio. Big agencies try to keep up, small creative agencies want to be big as soon as possible. But you can’t institutionalize creativity, that’s why Studio Aandacht works in small and effective teams, making tight budgets look like a million euro’s." (read more