Sander Wassink’s Design Proposals
They’re not physical products, but rather ‘contemplations’ about the chains of which products are part says Sander Wassink. ‘My work includes glossy product pictures of, for instance, a chair or sneakers. Those images are perfectly produced to the extent that they look as if they’re part of an advertising campaign.
The products are reminiscent of famous brands, but they’re the dishevelled versions. These photos of flawed design are meant to make people more aware.’ Of what? ‘People just don’t know how things are made, how much attention has gone into them and where things come from in terms of geography, craft or history. We’ve become completely estranged from the entire production chain. This results in the devaluation of work, craft, even to modern-day slavery.’
‘My work usually needs some explaining’
— Sander Wassink
Contrabande by Sander Wassink at Bojimans Museum in Rotterdam (2016)
For Contrabande, commissioned by Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Wassink travelled to Morocco taking an original Gispen design with him. Using local production techniques, he produced a remake on the spot. By interweaving, confusing and merging local components and authentic labour, he created a contemporary interpretation of one of the icons of the Dutch design industry.
portret of Sander Wassink
This month Sander Wassink will contribute to the Dutch Design Week 2017 in Eindhoven. He will present 10 works from the previous 5 years in the Sectie-C: Hall 08. For more information on this event click here. sanderwassink.nl
This interview was published in WOTH issue No2 (words by Toon Lauwen, photography by Jan Willem Kaldenbach/March 2016) still available in english via Bruil & van der Staaij. Or get a subscription here! Dutch versions of WOTH you can order in our shop and an NL subscription is available here.