HARDCORE exhibition 03kopie2
Hardcore exhibition DDW 2017
IMG 7226kopie6
a sidewalk by Iwan Pol
Fransje Gimbrere Luxury Fenceskopie
Luxury Fences by Fransje Gimbrere
Tijs Gilde Radiatorkopie3
Radiator by Tijs Gilde


Youngsters surprised us with a rough/slick presentation in one of the finest garages of Eindhoven. What a wonderful place to curate an exhibition titled HARDCORE! Under the surface it showed a future world with a brandnew aesthetic that is both shiny and lasting, but poetic at the same time. Well done!

'Life's too short to spend on grey sidewalks' – Iwan Pol

Iwan Pol designed a sidewalk. Delightfulness may be practical, why not? Talking of fringes; the gold ‘Luxury fences’ by Fransje Grimbrere speculate on the future looks of our domestic gates. Unsexy is past history in the domains of radiators since Dutch designer Tijs Gilde shows his shape of a new radiator prototype. 


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Design by Rick Tegelaar
IMG 7732
Design by Rick Tegelaar

Rick Tegelaar

Proved to be an inventor. Challenged by Colback® (a technical non bound fleece) Tegelaar wrote a computerprogram allowing 3D patterns to be integrated into the yarn, massively increasing the strength of the cloth by means of his method. The research presented on stunning panels showcases pretty-ness as well as innovation!

Tegelaar was in the In4nite show, initiated by Low & Bonar featuring 10 talented designers from Arnhem; ao. Joris de Groot, Klaas Kuiken, KRAFT architecten and Dana Dijkgraaf.  

dutch design week invertuals fundamentals raw color installations dezeen 2364 col 22 852x1278
Container by Commonplace Studio
dutch design week invertuals fundamentals raw color installations dezeen 2364 col 4 852x568
Exhibition design by Daphna Laurens | guest curator Raw Color
Fundamentals of Martens & Visser
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Fundamentals by Dutch Invertuals

Raw Color and Daphna Laurens

Wendy Plomp, founder of Dutch Invertuals, invited Raw Color as guest curators, helped out by Daphna Laurens to create the design of the exhibition. This year's Dutch Invertuals show took the shape of an inspiring journey into the foundations of design processes of 45 Invertuals ao. Sabine Marcelis, Thomas Vailly, Juliette Warmerhoven, Os ∆ Oos and Arnout Meijer. It revealed over 800 objects formerly hidden in their archives and workshop vaults. On top of this wonderful, intimate glimpse into their creative personality, each designer was asked to fill a container with an individual set of ‘Fundamentals’.

Dutch Invertuals succeeded to portray a generation of young designers. Once again; bravo!

Niels Hoebers

A true hero for doing something completely unique with a touch of quirkiness. During DDW Niels Hoebers opened the doors of his new studio for a big Improvisation Stop Motion Animation show. For this live workshop he teamed-up with all his visitors to create an ongoing animation. We also contributed - providing him with content and selecting objects from his studio archive. This video shows the results of the largest co-production ever! Proud to be part of it!

Studio Sander Wassink 

Sander Wassink and Michaela Castagnaro made an impressive exhibition at the entrance area of Sectie C showing work of all the designers working in this creative hub. The interactive soundscape of islands came to life with special composed music and technics by Jelle Mastenbroek. A truly enchanting project of collaboration!
