Wood never stops studying color combinations. She is always busy finding a special new color combination, that slightly differs from the palette people are used to. ‘Its always very interesting to study which colors people buy and use to create their version of harmony. Take for instance the color of a liquorice. Some people love it and others deeply resent it, because it makes such a strong statement.’
She challenges herself to always add a color that doesn’t fit easily into the color palette. ‘On their own these colors often look too strong and overwhelming. But when you add just a touch of them to another palette, things start to change and become interesting. Similar to putting pepper on a strawberry: mixing different worlds’.
An example of this approach is the intense red she used in her Hot Desk. ‘The color gives it just that extra oomph.’ A color palette that makes Bethan really happy is that of her Guadeloupe daybed. ‘I am really in love with that joyful color combination.’ It was inspired by her trip to Mexico in 2013. ‘The use of color is so much more vibrant and free than the palette in London. Once I had been to Mexico, I could not return to the ‘London palette’.
It is rather difficult to discuss colors with people, she remarks, ‘I always compare it to champagne. To experience the taste, to understand its nuances, you need to move it around your mouth. Taste it on the tip of your tongue. Working with colors to me feels the same as tasting different flavors.’